Future Events

We hope you will find the lectures varied and interesting, and that we shall see you regularly at meetings. Do bring along your friends. There is no formal charge for non-members, but we do invite them to make a donation of £3.00.

We currently have no visit arranged during September but are hoping to offer a coach excursion jointly with the Cambridgeshire Association for Local History to ‘Roman Colchester’ and Museum, with contrasting short stop en-route, and may arrangea visit to an archaeological excavation at short notice. 

Excursion Notes

  • Booking is essential. Preferably using the [BOOKING FORM 2024]  and pay in advance by cheque. Otherwise, email David smith (info@huntslhs.org.uk) or phone 01480 350127 and have correct money to pay on the day.
  • If you need a lift please let us know and we will try and arrange.
  • NOTE especially the ‘BOOK BY’ deadline, this year uniformally one week in advance. Early booking is helpful. However, do telephone if you are able to come at the last minute, where possible we will accommodate you.
  • We are not providing any coach excursions this year as we thought covid concerns would keep interest in coach trips belop what we need to make them viable, which has itself risen due to higher fuel costs.
  • Non member guests are very welcome
  • The Society undertakes to make arangements for the excursion but cannot accept liability for mishapor loss connected with them.