Goodliff Award Scheme

Phyllis Goodliff (1897 – 1993)
The Huntingdonshire Local History Society established the Goodliff Awards scheme in 1996 thanks to a very generous bequest from Phyllis Goodliff (1897-1993), a founder member of the Society. In 2020 it was supplemented with the bulk of the balances of the former Huntingdonshire Family History Society, on that Society’s dissolution, specifically to support family history and other genealogical projects. The objective of the scheme is to provide financial support to individuals, groups or institutions undertaking projects that promote local history in Huntingdonshire or make the ancient county’s history more widely known. Since 1996 we have provided support to over 200 activities and publications including projects in schools, the acquisition, preservation and display of artefacts and records, documentary research and the publication of history both in print and on line.
To view a list of previous award winners click here [Previous Awards]
Application Form:
All applications for an Award are to be submitted on the appropriate form. To download a Word version of the application form click on the image of the form below:
Word 1997 or Word 2020
Alternatively you can download a pdf version of the form [Goodliff Award Form]
Applications using one of the above forms and all supporting information should be submitted to the Goodliff Administrator by email at by noon on 31 March.
Information for Applicants:
A copy of information for applicants can be dowloaded here [download]
The Huntingdonshire Local History Society established the Goodliff Award scheme in 1996 thanks to a very generous bequest from Phyllis Goodliff (1897-1993), a founder member of the Society. In 2020 it was supplemented with the bulk of the balances of the former Huntingdonshire Family History Society, on that Society’s dissolution, specifically to support family history and other genealogical projects. The object of the scheme is to provide financial support to individuals, groups or institutions undertaking projects that promote local history in Huntingdonshire or make the ancient county’s history more widely known. Since 1996 we have provided support to over 200 activities and publications including projects in schools, the acquisition, preservation and display of artefacts and records, documentary research and the publication of history both in print and on-line.
Awards usually fall into the following broad categories:
- Research into and promotion of the history of Huntingdonshire and associated publication, including individual study and educational projects concerned with local history.
- Preserving the heritage of the old county, including museum and archives special acquisitions and for projects concerned with conserving, cataloguing, displaying and interpretating them.
- Research and support for research into the history of people and families having at least some connection with Huntingdonshire and publication in the widest sense of that research. Supported projects falling largely into this category will be designated for internal financial reasons Goodliff Family History Awards but all applications will be considered together.
Individual applicants need not be members of Huntingdonshire Local History Society. Preference may nevertheless be given to projects that advance the Society’s activities by partnership, e.g. sharing the fruits of research through the Society’s journal.
Publicly funded institutions may be eligible to apply for an Award, but projects or services will only be supported by the Society if they are additional to those that are normally provided through public funds.
Awards can only be given in respect of cost approved beforehand. The Society will not support applications for the recovery of costs already incurred.
The Society will determine the level of grant depending on the character of the projects, the requirements of the Society’s own activities, funds and resources available and availability of alternative sources of funding. As a rule, grants will not usually exceed 60% of total costs. Larger projects should demonstrate that alternative funding sources are being sought and the Society should be kept informed of the outcome of these applications.
Payments of Awards shall be made after the Annual General Meeting of the Society in May at which the Awards are announced. It is nevertheless expected that successful applicants (or representative of a successful institutional applicant) will attend the Society’s President’s lecture to receive a certificate of the Award.
Projects should take place or at least commence during the 12 months following grant of the Award. Recipients of an Award are asked to keep the Society informed of the progress of their project and of any unexpected delays. A brief report to the Society’s Awards Administrator should be made on completion of the project or 12 months after the Award.
Publication of Projects:
Publication projects should indicate how it is intended to distribute or market the publication.
Two copies of any publication supported by the fund shall be presented to the Society.
Applications should be made by 31st March for review by the Society. Applicants will be informed if their application has been successful as soon as a decision has been made by the Society’s committee in May/June.
Full details should be given on the official form. This should include the names of two independent referees, one of whom should be expert in the area of the intended research or project and the other familiar with the applicant. Project timeline plans and projected outline costs should be submitted with every application for an Award. It is expected that all applicants will have sought competitive quotations for goods, services or materials from separate sources where appropriate, and may be asked to provide evidence of this with their Award submission. Genealogical projects should demonstrate their connection to Huntingdonshire, whether of the subject material or applicant.
Applications and all supporting information should be sent by email to the Goodliff Administrator at
If applicants need help with completing their applications, they can contact the Administrator on the above email.