Unfortunately we have had to postpone plans for the projected weekend visit to the Isle of Man until 2026. So, unless someone else comes forward with another porposal, and willingness to take on the organisation, it is very unlikely we shall have a weekend excursion this year.

Yoiu will be pleased to learn that planning for other visits this Summer is well advanced and we will be publishing the programme in the Summer Almanack very sahortly.

To wet your appetite, we start with a visit on 28th May to Godmanchester, to get a rare opportunity to visit the Town Ice House, recently rediscovered and partially restored. Afterwards we will move on to the medieval Church of St Mary, where we will get a chance to walk around the grounds, pay our respects to Mary Weims, local murder victim, who is burried in the Church Yard, and then we will have a talk about the church and its interior and monuments by local historian Ken Sneath. (Ken wrote a book about the history of ‘The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Godmanchester in 2019. For thjose who haven’t read the book I am sure Ken will have a few copies available on the day for yoju to purchase.

In July, we are off to explore the village of Great Staughton. After Anthony Withers gave his talk to the Society on 13th November last year , about Great Staughton and its people, we will visit some of the places Anthony talked about. Hopefully, we shall visit Place House Gardens and the village Church.