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Answers to Quiz in Summer Almanack Supplement

Here are the answers to the Quiz ‘Who Might Use These’ that were in the Summer Almanack Supplement.
CONFECTIONER’S HAMMER for breaking up toffee brittle. 
HATTER’S MEASURE for determining the size of a gentleman’s hat.
STAIRS CARPET FIXING – In Victorian time the carpet covering stairs was held in place by brass rods, each rod was secured to the stair with a pair of these eyes. 
Look out for our next quiz in the new edition of the Almanack Supplement 

Farewell to our President Dr Simon Thurley

On the evening of 19 September 2019, over 30 members and friends joined our Chairman, Dr Philip Saunders, at Island Hall Godmanchester to bid a fond farewell and heartfelt thank you to our retiring President Dr Simon Thurley. 

Dr Thurley, who became our President in 2003, is a local Godmanchester boy who has had a successful career as an Academic and Architectural Historian. Former Director of the Museum of London and Chief Executive of English Heritage and an accomplished author of a number of books on English Palaces and the buildings of England. 

Throughout his tenure as President of the Society, Dr Thurley, gave over 18 addresses and talks on such subjects as ‘The Englishness of England’s Heritage’, ‘Hampton Court, a Secret History’, ‘The English Royal Court during the Civil Wars’, ‘The Invention of Heritage: How the Government fabricated our History 1930-1950’, and more recently ‘The King, the Actress and the Cardinal: the birth of London’s West End’, and ‘Heritage and Housing’ (the changing face of housing development)


2018 Goodliff Awards

The 2018 Goodliff Awards were presented on 15th November 2018 to recipients at a reception in the Assembly Room of Huntingdon Town Hall. For details click on the picture below:

2018 Goodliff Award Recipients